Who are we?

We’re Dynastat Systems LTD (‘we’, ‘our’, ‘us’) and operate under the name Dynastat.

We’re registered with UK Companies House under number 09686761.

This notice explains how and why we use your personal information when you visit our website, contact us by email, or use one of our hosted services.

Got a question about something in this notice, or want to contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO)?

The information we hold about you, and how we use it

Information we collect or generate if you get in touch

If you choose to get in touch with us directly, we collect the following information so we can answer your questions or take action.

  • The phone number you’re calling from and information you give us during the call.
  • The email address you use and the contents of your email (and any attachments).
  • Public details from your social media profile (like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter) if you reach out to us via these platforms, and the contents of your messages or posts to us.

Who we share your data with

Companies that give services to us. Here we mean companies that help us provide services you use, and need to process details about you for this reason. We share as little information as we can and encrypt and/or make it impossible for you to be identified by the recipient where possible (for instance by using a User ID rather than your name).

If you have any questions about these third party systems, please review their respective privacy policies.

How long we keep your information

We keep most of your data as long as you’re using our services, and for 7 years after that to comply with the law and if we face a legal challenge. In some circumstances, we may keep data longer if we need to (that’s in our legitimate interest) and/or the law says we have to.

To work out how long we keep different categories of data, we consider why we hold it, how sensitive it is, how long the law says we need to keep it for, and what the risks are.

Your rights

You have a right to:

  • access the personal data we hold about you, or to get a copy of it
  • ask for a copy of your personal data in a portable (machine-readable) format or make us send it to someone else
  • make us correct inaccurate data
  • ask us to delete, ‘block’ or suppress your data, though for legal reasons we might not always be able to do it
  • say no to us using your data for direct marketing and in certain other ‘legitimate interest’ circumstances
  • withdraw any consent you’ve given us

To do any of these things, please contact us by emailing us at [email protected]

Where we store or send your data

We may transfer and store the data we collect from you to organisations outside the UK and the European Economic Area (‘EEA’). When we do this, we make sure that your data is protected and that:

  • the European Commission says the country or organisation has adequate data protection, or
  • we’ve agreed standard data protection clauses approved by the European Commission with the organisation.

If you’d like a copy of the relevant data protection clauses, please get in touch by emailing us at [email protected]

How to make a complaint

If you have a complaint about how we use your personal information, please send an email to [email protected] and we’ll do our best to fix the problem. You can also reach our Data Protection Officer in these ways.

If you’re still not happy, you can refer your complaint with the UK’s supervisory authority: the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). For more details, you can visit their website at ico.org.uk.